Tom Sackville
Executive Director of Services
Tom has over 25 years’ experience working in health and social care.
He initially qualified as a probation officer, completing a Diploma in Social Work, before working for Turning Point with probation clients whose offending was linked to substance misuse. As part of this role, he developed work with local youth justice services, triggering an interest in work with young people’s services.
Following this, he was responsible for the development of a bail supervision and support and intensive supervision and surveillance service working across three London youth offending services, providing holistic intensive alternative to custody programmes for young people.
Tom then worked for Catch22 for 14 years as an operations director, with responsibility for a diverse portfolio of substance misuse and emotional health, leaving care, gangs, youth crime prevention and housing services. This involved national programmes as well as local delivery, and taking an organisational lead on gangs and youth justice. It also included responsibility for policy and research work with a number of studies on youth violence being published.
As Executive Director for Services, working alongside Craig Middleton, Tom is responsible for overseeing the delivery of services across the organisation, including having a focus on young people’s services, employability and recovery in action.