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Outreach services

Islington – Inroads

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Via – Inroads – Islington

Inroads Islington is a psychosocial support and prescribing outreach service in Islington.

We work with people who are rough sleeping or are vulnerably housed to address their drug or alcohol issues.

Together we help people so that they feel able to enter structured treatment and support.

Any professional can refer into our service.

We have been absolutely blown away by the professionalism, commitment, and
trauma-informed practice of your team.

Women’s Respite Centre

What we do

We provide different levels and types of support for the individuals we work with such as:

  • Advice and information around health and wellbeing
  • Strength-based assessments of needs
  • Harm reduction advice and support, including providing Naloxone
  • One-to-one support with an allocated keyworker
  • Drop-in sessions at local community venues
  • Prescribing for those who need access to opiate treatment
  • Referrals into a range of different support groups

We also help the people to engage with healthcare and drug and alcohol services and get access to housing support.

Who we are

Our Inroads team includes:

  • Drug and alcohol outreach workers who build relationships with street active individuals.
  • A specialist women’s outreach worker who works with women with additional support vulnerabilities including experiencing domestic abuse or being involved in sex working.
  • A dual diagnosis coordinator who works with those experiencing both complex mental health and substance misuse problems.
  • A clinical lead who delivers rapid prescribing and opiate treatment support.

Get in touch

If you’d like to refer someone you are working with to Inroads, you can contact us on:

Phone: 0300 303 4545

You can also fill in one of our referral forms below and once we’ve received it, we’ll get in touch with you:

Online Professional Referral Form Professional Referral Form

If you’re concerned about a rough sleeper that doesn’t have drug or alcohol issues, please continue to refer to Streetlink ( / 0300 500 0914) in the usual way.