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Smoking cessation

Redbridge Quits Smoking

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Via – Quits Smoking – Redbridge

Redbridge Quits Smoking provides advice and support to quit smoking for anyone aged 12+ who is connected to Redbridge – whether they live, work, study or are experiencing homelessness in the local area.

How we can help

  • One-to-one sessions with a trained specialist advisor.
  • Free nicotine replacement therapies for up to 12 weeks.
  • Free vape kits and refills for up to 12 weeks (read more about Swap to Stop).
  • Support for people using other forms of tobacco that can also be addictive and harmful, such as Paan, Betel quid, gutkha, bidi, and shisha.
  • Specialist support for:
    • People who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and their partners.
    • People with a mental health diagnosis who are dependent on tobacco.
  • We provide workshops and advice to young people and those who care for or work with them about vaping.
  • We provide training to professionals about smoking cessation and how to encourage people to accept a referral to us.

Register with us

However long you have smoked for, stopping will immediately help your physical and mental health. You can refer yourself to our service in any of the following ways:

Call us on: 0300 303 2715
Text: BREATHE to 82228

Professionals can also refer to us using our Professional Referral Form.

Accessible support that works for you

Appointments are available at a range of locations across Redbridge, including our main hub in Ilford town centre.  

We can also stay in touch by phone or online (using Zoom or Teams), to make it easier for you to get support when you need it. 

Our team speaks English, Bengali, Urdu, Gujrati, and Tamil. We also work with interpreters for other languages including BSL.

Evening and weekend appointments are also available.

We aim to contact anyone who is referred to us within 2 working days to arrange their first appointment.

Vaping and young people

For professionals and parents

Read about our work with young people and vaping and download resources by clicking the button below.

For young people


Make the switch from cigarettes
to a free vape to stop smoking.

Swap to Stop

Other support
Specialist advice and tools from NHS Better Health website and quit smoking app.
Sign up for daily email support with Smoke Free.
Download a Smokefree app such as SF28.
Call the NHS Smokefree helpline on 0300 123 1044 (open 9am to 8pm Monday to Friday, 1am to 4pm weekends)

More information
Learn about smoking and pregnancy
How stopping smoking can help your mental health
Smokeless tobacco is addictive and harmful (Paan, Betel quid, gutkha, bidi, and shisha)