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  1. Important information

    17 April 2024 by Erin Lee

    Below is where you can find the latest documents that we’re able to share with you.

    Like the rest of this service transfer space, this page is regularly updated (at least weekly) so please do keep checking to see what’s new!

  2. FAQs

    by Erin Lee

    Below are some of the frequently asked questions we usually get asked during a service transfer.

    If you’ve got a question that you can’t see below, please let us know by clicking here.

    Please also note that your 1-2-1 consultation meeting will be an opportunity to ask questions and discuss your personal circumstances.

    Group Consultation 29 April Q&As

    When does the volunteer coordinator role go out for advert?

    We will be putting out adverts for all vacant positions including the new Volunteer-Coordinator in the middle of May.

    Deadline for New starters form?

    In order to ensure your information is received and processed in time for payroll, we will require you to complete the new starter forms with ALL required details by 10 June. Any questions- please do ask as we want to make sure you are all paid correctly and on time.

    Will we have to cover Saturday?

    This provision is covered by BOB. This is not something that has been requested of Via. Although we do not anticipate it, should this change at any point in the future, we would consult with them team in advance and any changes would be brought in through a rota system.

    How long do we have to complete the TSM qualification?

    The qualification, which is accredited by OCN London, needs to be completed within one year and you will be given one study day per month for upto 12 months.

    For more information please see:

    Will Volunteer Coordinator support student placements?

    We are still working through the details of this role as it is new to the structure. As soon as the particulars have been agreed with CNWL, we will update you all.

    What will volunteers do?

    This will very much depend on the needs of the service and the skills and areas of interest of the volunteers. We can ensure a level of flexibility in these roles in order to give volunteers the best experience and gain the most for the service and the service users.

    Will there be volunteer counsellors?

    Via does have these roles in some of our other services, but we are still working through what this would/ could look like in Hillingdon with CNWL.

    Will there be more than 8 recovery pracs? Why are there only 3 CJ practitioners in the model?

    We have managed the staff structure within the allocated resources available to us, this is comparable to the previous structure and the number of roles we would anticipate to see in line with the number of service users in Hilingdon.


    What’s happening?
    What does this process mean for me?
    When will the transfer take place?

    The transfer will take place on 1 June 2024.

    What will happen to my pay?

    In most circumstances, the regulations prevent us from changing any of your contractual terms and conditions so your pay will stay the same. Via’s pay date is the 25th of each month (except in December where we pay earlier) and we pay 3 weeks in arrears and 1 week in advance. When you transfer to Via although your pay will remain the same, the pay date will change to Via’s pay date. Except for contractual pay increases, after the transfer you will receive Via’s pay reviews and pay reviews negotiated by a previous employer after the transfer date won’t apply.

    Will I lose any of my current benefits?

    As with your pay, any other contractual terms and conditions will normally stay the same, for example, your hours of work and annual leave entitlement. However, it may be the case that non-contractual terms will need to be reviewed because it may be impossible for Via to continue with them. We’re in close contact with your current employer about your terms and conditions and questions around these will be addressed in the consultation period.

    What about my pension?

    We’ll endeavour to keep your terms and conditions the same, but it may be that your pension contributions are affected. If this is the case, the changes will be fully explained to you and we’ll always adhere to legal requirements.

    Will my length of service be affected?

    No, you’ll carry your continuous service with you. Essentially, for these purposes, Via is stepping into the shoes of your current employer.

    Will I have a say in the process?

    There will be a consultation period, which will commence with a group event later this month. Because a large number of employees are transferring, we will conduct group consultation through employee representatives that have been elected by you to consult with us on your behalf. Where a recognition agreement exists, the consultation will also include representatives from the trade union.

    The consultation period gives us the opportunity to keep you informed on what is happening and when, and any changes that will occur as a result of the transfer. We’d also like you to use this opportunity to put any questions you have to us through your representative where applicable. Where we can’t answer the questions straight away, we’ll ensure they are answered as soon as possible after the meeting.

    In addition to the group consultation, we will be offering individual 1-2-1 consultations and you’ll be able to book your meeting on our microsite, at a date and time convenient for you.

    What happens if I don’t want to transfer to Via?

    Hopefully you’ll view the transfer as a positive one for both you and Via. However, if you’ve got any specific objections to the transfer then you’ll be able to raise this during the consultation process.


    Will there be a restructure of jobs?

    As you’d expect, there is a new staff structure, some of which may reflect the existing structure, some of which may be new. There are new Via job descriptions, and these are available on this transfer site. We encourage you to look at these in advance of your 1-2-1 and we’ll discuss the work you currently undertake with you.

    Do we have to interview for jobs?

    Not if your current role job matches with a Via role. Via job descriptions will be provided on this transfer site and we’ll discuss your current role with you at your 1-2-1 which will help to inform the job matching process.

    Are you planning on making any redundancies in the first year?

    Not all transfers involve redundancies. While we do not envisage a redundancy situation arising, and have no specific plans for making redundancies, we can’t confirm until we’re in receipt of all Employee Liability Information requested.

    Will you provide different service managers?

    Information provided by your current employer and the consultations will inform the population of the staff structure and help to identify any potential vacancies. Where vacancies exist, we’ll recruit to them.

    Is there an opportunity to change job role?

    We’ll job match you where appropriate. After the transfer, we’ll discuss your career pathway with you, to better understand how you want to develop, and yes, there are opportunities to change roles at Via.

    What are the chances of progression/moving departments?

    We’re a learning organisation and vacant roles are advertised internally and externally. In the interests of developing our staff, we recruit from within when it’s the right thing to do. We all have an annual appraisal with our line manager, where self-development and continuous professional development are discussed and potential opportunities, including secondments, can are identified.

    Is there much level of career progression that isn’t just up to manager level?

    There are opportunities for career progression and continuous professional development for all Via employees.

    What day is pay day?

    Via pay day is the 25th of the month or the nearest Friday if the 25th falls on a weekend or public holiday. Our December pay date is usually brought forward to allow for Christmas. Employees will receive their first pay from Via on 25 June 2024.

    How much does Via pay into a pension?

    Employees who are already in a pension scheme will transfer to Via’s scheme and employer contributions will be matched up to a maximum of 3% and employees will continue to pay their current employee contribution, although may pay in more if they wish to. The total contribution rate (employer and employee combined) must be a minimum of 8%.

    Will we have flexible working?

    Yes, all employees have the legal right to request flexible working – not just parents and carers, although to be eligible you must have at least 26 weeks service. We have a Flexible Working Policy and both formal and informal flexible working arrangements.

    What does your flexible working offer look like?

    All sorts! We have part time working, working shorter hours each day or fewer days in the week; we have job share, where two people share the same job working opposite days and times to each other; we have adjustment to contracted hours, permanently changing the start and finish times of when you are in the office; we have compressed hours, where your weekly working hours are perhaps done in 4 days rather than 5, or over a 9-day fortnight; we have term time working, where you take your holidays in line with school holidays and/or reduce hours to match a school year and we have working from home, where you work some or all of your week from home rather than in the office. It’s about making it work both for you, and for the service.

    I noticed the benefits usually are aimed at younger workers i.e. time off for children’s 1st day at school. What is there for staff with elderly parents?

    Your existing contractual benefits, including time off, will transfer. At Via, we have additional time off work benefits, such as Birthday Leave and your Child’s First Day at School Leave. Some benefits are available to all Via employees, some are available to those on Via terms & conditions. Time off to care for dependents is available to all staff and may be paid or unpaid, depending on the circumstances.

    I need to reschedule my 1-2-1 appointment

    Please email with your name, job title and details of the appointment you would like to cancel (date, time and venue).

    Clarification questions around NVQ Level 3

    The OCN Tackling Substance Misuse Level 3 Qualification recently replaced the requirement to complete the NVQ Level 3 Health & Social Care. Completion of both is not required but a qualification specific to substance misuse is.

    You’ll be supported post transfer to complete the OCN Tackling Substance Misuse Level 3 Qualification and this will include 1 hour per week paid study time for you to manage and use in a way that suits you best. No financial cost is incurred to you, even if you were to change your hours or leave the service prior to completion.

    Completion is expected in 12 months from start to finish. You’ll be informed about start dates post transfer and as part of your induction.

    How do we request annual leave for June and July so that we can proceed with any holiday plans accordingly?

    Via staff request their annual leave using our HR system called People Hub (sometimes referred to as CIPHR); requests are then automatically sent to the respective line manager for authorisation. You’ll have access to People Hub within the few days of the transfer. If you have any specific concerns about holidays you have booked and paid for, please raise them at your 1-2-1.

    If our circumstances have changed or we have specific questions after we have had our 1-2-1, how do we raise these?

    If your question is a confidential/personal matter, please send any questions to the following email address and we’ll respond directly to you:

    For all other questions please do continue to use this service transfer site.

  3. Hillingdon

    by Erin Lee
    We’re really looking forward to working with you and getting to know you more over the coming weeks and months.

    Everything relating to your transfer to Via will be shared in this space.

    Please do check here regularly for updates and you can submit any questions here.

    Meeting with you

    Via consultation opens on 29 April with a collective event which will be held at the Hillingdon service site in partnership with CNWL.

    Information we need from you

    You’re required to complete some joiner information so that we can complete the necessary employment checks and ensure we pay you on time in June 2024.

    Please click on the link below to share this information with us:

  4. FAQs

    19 January 2024 by Kate Bonner

    Below are some of the frequently asked questions we usually get asked during a service transfer.

    If you’ve got a question that you can’t see below, please let us know by clicking here.

    Please also note that your 1-2-1 consultation meeting will be an opportunity to ask questions and discuss your personal circumstances.


    What’s happening?

    Camden and Islington NHS Trust is going through a process in which the services your employer currently provides for the substance misuse element of the contract, in future, are going to be provided by Via.

    This process is regulated by the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment Regulations) 2006 (known as TUPE) which means that we have certain obligations towards you.

    What does this process mean for me?

    Because you currently carry out work that will be taken over by Via, your employment will be transferred to us. You’ll no longer be employed by your current employer; you’ll become an employee of Via. We recognise that this may be a confusing and unsettling time for you and so we hope to answer some of your initial questions here.

    When will the transfer take place?

    The transfer will take place on 1 April 2024.

    What will happen to my pay?

    In most circumstances, the regulations prevent us from changing any of your contractual terms and conditions so your pay will stay the same. Via’s pay date is the 25th of each month (except in December where we pay earlier) and we pay 3 weeks in arrears and 1 week in advance. When you transfer to Via although your pay will remain the same, the pay date will change to Via’s pay date. Except for contractual pay increases, after the transfer you will receive Via’s pay reviews and pay reviews negotiated by a previous employer after the transfer date won’t apply.

    Will I lose any of my current benefits?

    As with your pay, any other contractual terms and conditions will normally stay the same, for example, your hours of work and annual leave entitlement. However, it may be the case that non-contractual terms will need to be reviewed because it may be impossible for Via to continue with them. We’re in close contact with your current employer about your terms and conditions and questions around these will be addressed in the consultation period.

    What about my pension?

    We’ll endeavour to keep your terms and conditions the same, but it may be that your pension contributions are affected. If this is the case, the changes will be fully explained to you and we’ll always adhere to legal requirements.

    Will my length of service be affected?

    No, you’ll carry your continuous service with you. Essentially, for these purposes, Via is stepping into the shoes of your current employer.

    Will I have a say in the process?

    Following the Engagement Event, a number of meetings are going to take place before the transfer – this will be the consultation period, which has now commenced

    Because a large number of employees are transferring, we’ve conducted a group consultation, including employee representatives that have been elected by you to consult with us on your behalf. Where a recognition agreement exists, the consultation will also include representatives from the trade union.

    The consultation period gives us the opportunity to keep you informed on what is happening and when, and any changes that will occur as a result of the transfer.

    We’d also like you to use this opportunity to put any questions you have to us through your representative where applicable. Where we can’t answer the questions straight away, we’ll ensure they are answered as soon as possible after the meeting.

    In addition to the group consultation, we’ve offered individual 1-2-1 consultations and you’re able to book your meeting on our microsite, at a date and time convenient for you from a series of options.

    Will I have to work from somewhere else?

    Sometimes a transfer will involve a change in workplace. Where this occurs, we’ll inform you of this at the earliest possible opportunity, although as stated as part of the proposed measures, we intend to keep existing sites.

    What happens if I don’t want to transfer to Via?

    Hopefully you’ll view the transfer as a positive one for both you and Via. However, if you’ve got any specific objections to the transfer then you’ll be able to raise this during the consultation process.


    Will the scripts be produced electronically?

    Yes, Via produces electronic prescriptions.

    Do the prescribers do their own scripts?

    Where necessary, yes prescribers can generate their own prescriptions where the required technology is available such as prescription printer.

    What are the development opportunities for clinical staff?

    We’re a learning organisation and vacant roles are advertised internally and externally. In the interests of developing our staff, we recruit from within when it’s the right thing to do. We all have an annual appraisal with our line manager, where self-development and continuous professional development are discussed and potential opportunities.

    Will Buvidal be an option for people who use the service?

    Yes, Buvidal will be a treatment option for people who use the service.


    When will we know the staff structure?

    We shared the Kingston staff structure with you at the group consultation meeting on 16 January. It’s also available to view on this microsite in the Important Information section.

    Will there be a restructure of jobs?

    As you’d expect, there is a new staff structure, some of which may reflect the existing structure, some of which may be new. There are new Via job descriptions, and these are available on this transfer site. We encourage you to look at these in advance of your 1-2-1 and we’ll discuss the work you currently undertake with you.

    Do we have to interview for jobs?

    Not if your current role job matches with a Via role. Via job descriptions will be provided on this transfer site and we’ll discuss your current role with you at your 1-2-1 which will help to inform the job matching process.

    Are you planning on making any redundancies in the first year?

    Not all transfers involve redundancies. While we do not envisage a redundancy situation arising, and have no specific plans for making redundancies, we can’t confirm until we’re in receipt of all Employee Liability Information requested.

    What is the timeframe for knowing about job security?

    Your terms and conditions of employment automatically transfer to Via, but we understand you may be feeling anxious. We have shared the proposed staff structure at the group consultation meeting on 16 January 2024, and we can further discuss your specific concerns at the 1-2-1s. We’ll write to you in advance of the transfer date to confirm Via as your new employer from 1 April 2024, and where there is a clear, and ideally agreed job match, we’ll confirm this too.

    Will you provide different service managers?

    Information provided by your current employer and the consultations will inform the population of the staff structure and help to identify any potential vacancies. Where vacancies exist, we’ll recruit to them.

    Is there an opportunity to change job role?

    We’ll job match you where appropriate. After the transfer, we’ll discuss your career pathway with you, to better understand how you want to develop, and yes, there are opportunities to change roles at Via.

    What are the chances of progression/moving departments?

    We’re a learning organisation and vacant roles are advertised internally and externally. In the interests of developing our staff, we recruit from within when it’s the right thing to do. We all have an annual appraisal with our line manager, where self-development and continuous professional development are discussed and potential opportunities, including secondments, can are identified.

    Is there much level of career progression that isn’t just up to manager level?

    There are opportunities for career progression and continuous professional development for all Via employees.

    What day is pay day?

    Via pay day is the 25th of the month or the nearest Friday if the 25th falls on a weekend or public holiday. Our December pay date is usually brought forward to allow for Christmas. Employees will receive their first pay from Via on 25 April 2024.

    How much does Via pay into a pension?

    Employees who are already in a pension scheme will transfer to Via’s scheme and employer contributions will be matched up to a maximum of 3% and employees will continue to pay their current employee contribution, although may pay in more if they wish to. The total contribution rate (employer and employee combined) must be a minimum of 8%.

    Will we have flexible working?

    Yes, all employees have the legal right to request flexible working – not just parents and carers, although to be eligible you must have at least 26 weeks service. We have a Flexible Working Policy and both formal and informal flexible working arrangements.

    What does your flexible working offer look like?

    All sorts! We have part time working, working shorter hours each day or fewer days in the week; we have job share, where two people share the same job working opposite days and times to each other; we have adjustment to contracted hours, permanently changing the start and finish times of when you are in the office; we have compressed hours, where your weekly working hours are perhaps done in 4 days rather than 5, or over a 9-day fortnight; we have term time working, where you take your holidays in line with school holidays and/or reduce hours to match a school year and we have working from home, where you work some or all of your week from home rather than in the office. It’s about making it work both for you, and for the service.

    I noticed the benefits usually are aimed at younger workers i.e. time off for children’s 1st day at school. What is there for staff with elderly parents?

    Your existing contractual benefits, including time off, will transfer. At Via, we have additional time off work benefits, such as Birthday Leave and your Child’s First Day at School Leave. Some benefits are available to all Via employees, some are available to those on Via terms & conditions. Time off to care for dependents is available to all staff and may be paid or unpaid, depending on the circumstances.

    Where will we be based – will we be in the same building?

    We plan to continue to deliver services from the same location currently in use by this service where possible.

    Service delivery

    Is it more streamlined to get service users into a Via residential facility?

    Each area has its own process for managing referrals into residential services which we’ll continue to follow in Kingston. We’ll share our experience of delivering residential services to support any local pathways.

    Is there an interpreter service?

    We’ll ensure that interpretation services are available.

    Is there an accredited peer mentor programme?

    You’ll hear more about the different areas of service delivery throughout the consultation and induction processes.

    Will we keep our current caseloads and what will be the average caseload size?

    We want to ensure continuity of care for the people who use the service throughout the transfer process and will be reviewing caseloads as part of this process.

    Will my apprenticeship be affected?

    Apprenticeships will be discussed as part of the 1-2-1 process but wherever possible we’d look to continue apprenticeships.

    Will roles stay the same?

    There’s a new proposed staff structure, some of which may reflect the existing structure, some of which may be new. There are new Via job descriptions, and these will be available on this transfer site. We encourage you to look at these in advance of your 1-2-1 and we’ll discuss the work you currently undertake with you.

    When will we know plans for premises?

    We’re intending to retain the current premises.

  5. Appointment Booking – Kingston

    16 January 2024 by viadmn

    All 1-2-1 appointments in Kingston will take place at Surbiton Health Centre, Ewell Road, Surbiton, KT6 6EZ.

    Some time slots for clinical staff will be held online.

    There are some documents that you’ll need bring with you and you can find out what these are here: Documents to bring to 1-2-1 meetings.

    Please choose your role type and venue (onsite or online) below to select a time slot that is tailored just for you:

  6. Gloucestershire

    08 January 2024 by Kate Bonner
    We’re really looking forward to working with you and getting to know you more over the coming weeks and months.

    Everything relating to your transfer to Via will be shared in this space.

    Please do check here regularly for updates and you can submit any questions here.

    Meeting with you

    We believe the majority of 1-2-1 meetings have taken place or have been booked. If you haven’t been able to attend or don’t have one booked, please contact us at to request an appointment.

    If you have any questions please do send them to us using the link here or if they are of a personal/confidential nature send to

    Information we need from you

    You’re required to complete some joiner information so that we can complete the necessary employment checks and ensure we pay you on time in April 2024.

    Please click on the link below to share this information with us:

  7. Latest news

    by Kate Bonner
  8. Latest news

    by Erin Lee
  9. Important information

    by Kate Bonner

    Below is where you can find the latest documents that we’re able to share with you.

    Like the rest of this service transfer space, this page is regularly updated (at least weekly) so please do keep checking to see what’s new!

  10. Kingston

    by Kate Bonner
    We’re really looking forward to working with you and getting to know you more over the coming weeks and months.

    Everything relating to your transfer to Via will be shared in this space.

    Please do check here regularly for updates and you can submit any questions here.

    Meeting with you

    The majority of 1-2-1 meetings have taken place in January but if you haven’t been able to attend, please contact Tom Sackville on to request an appointment.

    Information we need from you

    You’re required to complete some joiner information so that we can complete the necessary employment checks and ensure we pay you on time in April 2024.

    Please click on the link below to share this information with us: